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Kenneth A. Picerne Foundation

Artist Outreach Project 2012 Recipient


I am implementing an expressive arts program for children, youth and families who benefit from various human service programs of the Indian Health Council located in the Rincon Valley of Valley Center. This therapeutic arts program features a variety of arts projects including journal making, story writing, painting, music, performance and movement. By providing a sampling of art mediums for exploration, the purpose of the project is to provide an opportunity for participants to discover an art form that they like as a means of self-expression, self-awareness, improved self-esteem and meaningful community activity. 


Consider the Possibilities - Expressive Art

May 24, 2012

Marilyn McLeod interviews Juanita Ayson about how to reduce stress through the use of collage as art therapy. Juanita often uses collage as a tool in her work with individuals, families, and corporate teams.


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