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Early Morning Prayers continued

If I Had My Way

If I had my way
I would call on freedom and ask for another definition.
By the very act of having some kind of inkling
and disturbed thoughts of what it is.
and what I don’t have
chains my desires into...desires
no freedom whatsoever.

What for ever.

I’d ask freedom again to expose its face.
Give me an answer to the question, “are you obtainable or only a desire?”
the act of strife, something to work towards.
something towards
desire unobtainable.

show me what I know of you.
look to the east.
I see you through transparent films of nothingness.
a word non-existent
behind a false identity of definition

I see you non-existent except in some cruel deception.
I see you.
I see you.

If I had my way, I would get rid of words that have no meaning. I would use terms of existence that belonged in present time.
I would not talk about what I am striving for
but celebrate what I have.
Unless of course, I know i’ll achieve

Freedom spoken, chains my thoughts,
binds my hands,
stops me, because.
do you see me
do you hear me
do I appear free.
Do I exist
in the eyes of freedom.

Pleasures of You
Winds of words
stories of laughter
upheavals of joy
volcanic mountains of being
bring forth my touches of you.

enjoying rings of people.

woe and willie
why be nillie
let’s weather together
lay amongst meadows
of flowers and weeds
eating insects of clatter

beings; here and heather
flowers of beauty
flowers toxic
flowers that prick
flowers that deceive

joy of all
old mother nature
and new, not so natural
mother gone corporate

wings of eagles
turning gossamer
and butter fly.

I love the sounds of crickets, except in my bones
as I croak to my death.

I am a creature of joy itself
knowing all
apart and in reflection
of you and not so you
but more tiger and lily

I rejoice in song as I barely whistle the winds of words amongst this page
and of yours

I cannot think of any more joys greater than nature.
I cannot think anymore in nature.
I am and do not think.
nature and me
and you.

Pleasures Of You


Winds of words
Stories of laughter
Upheavals of joy
Volcanic mountains of being
Bring forth my touches of you.

Enjoying rings of people.


Woe and Willie
Why be Nillie
Let’s weather together
Lay amongst meadows
Of flowers and weeds
Eating insects of clatter.

Beings; here and heather
Flowers of beauty
Flowers toxic
Flowers that prick
Flowers that deceive.


Joy of all
Old mother nature
And new, not so natural
Mother gone corporate

Wings of eagles
Turning gossamer
And butter fly.


I love the sounds of crickets, except in my bones
As I croak to my death.

I am a creature of joy itself
Knowing all
Apart and in reflection
Of you and not so you
But more tiger and lily.


I rejoice in song as I barely whistle the winds of words amongst this page
and of yours.

I cannot think of any more joys greater than nature.
I cannot think anymore in nature.
I am and do not think.
Nature and me
And you.

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